From CAD to Reality: How Redcopters Captures Perfect Visualisation Images for Architectural Development

How Redcopters Creates Seamless Visualisation Images for Architects

Redcopters is often asked to make ‘Visualisation’ (or Visualization if you prefer the US spelling!) images. These are used by architects or CAD modelling agencies as the basis for proposed developments. They require close matching between the photo image and the CAD model; every aspect has to match up: location, POV, camera lens and lighting.

Matching CAD Models to Reality: The Role of Precision Photography

Sometimes we are given a CAD image as our reference. Alternatively, we are given general instructions, and the CAD model will find its location from our image. It is also possible to share coordinates using precision GPS, whereupon we locate the camera at a precise location.

We offer this service both with ground photography (tripod) and with the drone.

Overcoming Challenges in Visualisation Photography: Timing, Weather, and More

What could go wrong? Oh, plenty! For a start, we are often constrained to a time of day (the client wants an exact sun angle, for example), and when we arrive on site, we find a lorry parked at the very spot where we are to locate the camera. Or, the weather is not right, there might be no sun at all. Or we find that although the view on CAD looks great, reality has placed a huge tree, bush, or bus shelter in the way. Traffic is usually a factor; we are used to standing in the middle of the road – hi-viz jackets help here.

The Art of Collaboration: Supporting CAD Modelling Agencies with Perfect Images

The agencies who do the visualisation processing are masters of their work. We are often even asked to take a set of reverse images (from the proposed building, looking out), so they can get the reflections right in the windows. They will adjust lighting, colours, and will skew and size the images so that the matches between CAD and reality are seamless. Their job is to make the development look stunning and irresistible.

Our job is to give the images to enable that.

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